Official Homepage of the UCR Theater Department's Winter 2003 Production of The Waiting Room

Second Night: Friday January 24, 2003

Before everyone starts to wonder why it's mainly Lisa and I in these pictures, it's because this was the first night I brought the camera and I didn't know I'd be making this website after the production ended. I originally only wanted a few pictures to show my mom. Well, if anyone has pictures, then I'll gladly scan them and post them up here. Now, on to the second day!

I think the thing I'm gonna miss most about acting in The Waiting Room is the continuing (now inside) jokes we'd have every night. Jason, you're a great actor.


Lisa and Brendan rushing to sign in before they're marked down for tardiness. Obviously, Lisa's the only one panicking.

Backstage stuff like Jason brushing in the gray hairs. And now... onto egotistical ME!





Casey Meredith

Samantha Hartzell



Lisa Lee (Forgivness From Heaven)

Ali Shimoff (Victoria)

Jaterica Smith (Brenda)

Molly Alvarez (Wanda)

Jason Hoover (Douglas)

Brendan Nolan (Oliver)

Alex Dibona (Ken)

Casey Monroe (Larry)

Victor Chi (Blessing From Heaven)

Joey Miller (Orderly)


Production Staff

Running Crew



Photo Call

Opening Night (1.23)

Second Night (1.24)

Matinee and Closing Night (1.25)

Cast Party (1.25)

Strike (1.26)







Look Under the "Contact" Section


        Thanks to Jonathan Goay for the layout.                                                                                       Suggested viewing resolution: 1020x768